Tradução & Definição

a distribution: a distribuição, a repartição noun


  • "Bruno's products were one of a kind, but without advertising campaigns, large-scale distribution, and increased production, Bruno had no chance for success."
  • "Specifically, the invoice called for 5,000 bottles to be produced for wholesale and retail distribution in France, and close to 15,000 bottles were actually produced."
  • "D & C will likely be Wang's distribution arm for luxury goods produced at home in China."
  • "What does interest me is vertical integration: control from production to distribution."
  • ""Wang Industries is making a strong move not only to expand its interests westward, but to become more involved at the distribution and retail levels of commerce."
  • "Delavigne will be releasing a limited-edition boxed set of our classic perfumes sometime next month, and I wanted to offer Warbuckle International Department Stores the exclusive distribution rights for the boxed set."
  • "While Wang has his work cut out for him, the idea that China can compete with the traditional European luxury giants in retail and distribution is no longer a hazy prospect, but now a near certainty."
  • "a new wave of Chinese entrepreneurs is now attacking aspects of the marketing ladder, extending their efforts to distribution, retailing and even branding."

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