Tradução & Definição

(sustainable) development: desenvolvimento sustentável noun
a development: um desenvolvimento, um progresso, um crescimento noun


  • "This marks an important step in your cultural development, Horatio."
  • "There have been lots of exciting developments here at the Delavigne Corporation recently, and I think that the opening of Delavigne's new flagship store on Oxford Street, London would perhaps be the most interesting for your British readership."
  • "This development pleases me, and I would like to congratulate this person on their desire to attain Nirvana with us, or possibly just Soundgarden."
  • "I'll keep you posted on any developments."
  • "Another claim Smithson makes is that stress can be a good thing for pregnant women and their babies, citing "faster nerve transmission and perhaps even a greater brain development" in babies whose mothers had been subjected to moderate stress in mid-to-late pregnancy."
  • "I'll keep you posted on any developments, as and when they occur."
  • "There is no end in sight for development on the web, that's why we need to reclaim our humanity before it's too late."
  • "Director, Research & Development"
  • "This development greatly pleases me, and I would like to congratulate this person on their desire to attain nirvana with us."
  • "The day after the accident, you told me that since you had caused this mess, you would be following up promptly and would keep me posted on developments."

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