Tradução & Definição

a department store: uma loja de departamentos (como as "Lojas Americanas") noun


  • "Warbuckle's Department Stores will donate a sum of 1 million dollars annually to charitable causes promoting democracy, free trade and open borders in Europe."
  • "I didn't know that Warbuckle's Department Stores was in such difficulty."
  • "The big meeting with Dillon's Department Stores has been postponed until tomorrow."
  • "He's got department stores from here to..."
  • "No matter how much your department stores are grossing every month, there's no way you can stay out of personal debt when you're spending like this."
  • "We are proud to announce sweeping reforms at Warbuckle's department stores in the interest of philanthropy."
  • "After the Warbuckle sex scandal, the "Department Store massacre", the Warbuckle fake moon landing, and other indiscretions by the retail king, could this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?"
  • "It's that time again: time for our quarterly review of sales of Delavigne products at Warbuckle's Department Stores."
  • "It could be that the economic downturn in this country is finally having an effect on Warbuckle's Department Stores."
  • "Warbuckle's Department Stores"

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