Tradução & Definição

a culture: uma cultura (valores , hábitos), uma civilização noun


  • "Philip : Yeah, you know, in some cultures they only eat vomit."
  • "learn about the culture in this peaceful land and better pick up women if the"
  • "Industrial Fruit Concern Inc. has stated that if they acquire the juice business, they plan to completely change the company culture and business model, create hundreds of soulless storefronts across the world, and pretty much ruin everything that made it unique."
  • "Hannah, I need someone to teach me about British pub culture."
  • "Alternative Culture Center, 842 Mission Street"
  • "I believe that the "siesta" is also a tradition in many latin cultures."
  • "Experts are blaming this miscalculation on the "excessive drinking culture" that exists at archeological digs."
  • "Despite this isolated incident, I believe that our two cultures are closer than ever, and this is reflected by this collaboration between the perfumers of our two great nations."
  • "Attended classes in organic gardening, pruning, botany, and herb culture"

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