Tradução & Definição

a campaign: uma campanha noun
Mr. Flimshaw's election campaign is not going very well. A campanha eleitoral do senhor Flimshaw não vai muito bem.
an advertising campaign (or "an ad campaign"): uma campanha publicitária idiom
to campaign: fazer uma campanha verb

UK: I'm organizing a campaign against smoking.
US: The sales campaign has been very successful - everyone is buying our cigarettes!


  • "Once we have hired a subcontractor who is OILS certified, we can incorporate this detail into all subsequent ad campaigns."
  • "We will have a television campaign to accompany the product launch, the cream comes in a tube... Who's got something?"
  • "Susie : Bruno and I have already spoken about this latest Kalvin Krime campaign, and he agrees with me that it's not the kind of thing we want to get involved in."
  • "For example, I am proposing a grant of $1m to the Marketing Department to fund a Europe-wide campaign aimed at increasing sales of our mid-range collections."
  • "I want to inform you that we are currently looking for a short jingle to accompany our new radio advertising campaign for Delavigne perfumes."
  • "Enclosed in this pack are some samples taken from the Classic Collection campaign: our key image in Saudi Arabia, and its equivalent in France for comparison."
  • "In previous ad campaigns, Outback Cologne was marketed as an extremely masculine scent for the "outdoorsy", "rugged", "manly" type."
  • "Campaigning for the environment, counting money."
  • "Susie puts away her notes on an ad campaign and Horatio closes up the laboratory."
  • "The advertisements are part of Kalvin Krime's campaign for its latest men's fragrance, Washed Up."

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