Tradução & Definição

to breathe: respirar verb
a breath: um respiro, uma respiração noun
to take a deep breath respirar profundamente
breathing: a respiração noun


  • "The scarf would protect the birds by preventing them from breathing in infected air particles."
  • "Breathe normally."
  • "He's lost consciousness and his breathing is shallow."
  • "Try to breathe normally."
  • "Must go, Icarus is making funny noises in his office – I had better check if he's still breathing."
  • "Sick of the Anglo-Saxon housing invasion, perhaps the whole of Europe can now start to breathe a sigh of relief."
  • "Breathing is important in yoga, as it is in life."
  • "No pulse, no breathing."
  • "Glen : The rest of you, while I'm helping Edward, please practice your breathing."

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