Tradução & Definição

breath: o hálito noun


  • "Jean : My breath?"
  • "Edward : She said your breath smells of cheese."
  • "Smell it on the breath"
  • "MacCheeter : 'Cause my breath smelled like coffee, and I needed some cash!"
  • "Police : Sir, is that alcohol I smell on your breath?"
  • "A rare Siberian tiger named "Shoshana" escaped from her pen at the San Francisco zoo yesterday night and attacked a crowd of seven teenagers who had been insulting her, seriously injuring all seven of them. An eighth person, a six year old boy named Timothy Aldridge, was licked by the tiger, and later said the tiger's tongue felt "like sandpaper" and that her breath smelled like "muffins"."
  • "Horatio : What does your breath smell like?"

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