Tradução & Definição

a branch (of a tree): um galho (de árvore) noun
a branch: um galho, um ramo, uma divisão, um setor noun


  • "Then we'll need an education branch to spread our Western propaganda, I'll probably have to wear some local garb to fit in... possibly a burka or sarong... I do look forward to that... Dammit Edward!"
  • "We did manage to release him, but unfortunately on the way down, he hit a few branches and then landed on his head."
  • "From the seed of the mind, a tree of enlightenment will grow, and from this tree will spread the branches that carry the ripened fruit of compassion."
  • "From the seed of the mind, a tree of enlightenment will grow, and from this tree will spread the branches that carry the ripened fruit of perfect buddhahood."
  • "Susie : Delavigne has branches all over the world, Miss Stake."
  • "Be careful to sit in one of the first four carriages because the back of the train takes a different branch to Puddlington, and you don't want to go there!"
  • "Right there on the branches?"
  • "We have branches all over the world, all these fees are necessary for us to provide outstanding service to our customers."
  • "Jeanine : No, sir, you're not the only Kevin Connors in our system. There are, at this branch alone, 112 Kevin Connors who have accounts at Greenback & Trust."

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