Tradução & Definição

a box: uma caixa, uma case (em informática), uma caixa de papelão noun
a mailbox uma caixa do correio
to box: lutar boxe, boxear verb
a boxed set: um kit, um pacote, uma caixa, um jogo, um estojo noun
We are offering our boxed set of three CDs at half price. Nós estamos oferecendo nossa caixa de três CDs pela metade do preço.


  • "You can come out of the box!"
  • "Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that tomorrow's activities include camel boxing, camel racing, and of course the camel swimsuit competition!"
  • "All I know is I've got a box of them and some of them are very urgent!"
  • "You can go back to your box now."
  • "Joan : Horatio, what's that strange glowing box they're watching?"
  • "Highlights include a slow-motion video of the artist giving birth, and a sculpture of an electric chair made entirely out of egg boxes."
  • "In a box."
  • "Your performance on memory tests has impressed me from afar, and truly, when you checked the box marked "No need to review", it was then that I realized I could no longer keep my deep admiration for you a secret."
  • "(For reasons of decency, I added the box to Framboise's diagram)."

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