Tradução & Definição

a boardroom: uma sala de reuniões, uma sala de conferência noun
All of our interviews are held in the boardroom. Todas as nossas entrevistas são feitas na sala de reuniões.
a boardroom meeting uma reunião de direção
the board (of a company): o conselho (da empresa) noun


  • "Please be sure to show up next Tuesday afternoon, following lunch, at 2:15 in the boardroom. There will be coffee and cookies."
  • "Everybody to the boardroom immediately!"
  • "Polly : The company owns several floors in the building, but the 14th floor is reserved for our executive offices, the boardroom, the laboratory and a lounge."
  • "It's so rare that we actually meet with each other outside the boardroom. How about a cold glass of Seamus Dog Whiskey?"
  • "Brian : The company rents the entire building, but the fourth floor is reserved for our executive offices, the boardroom, the laboratory and a lounge."
  • "What began as the dream of two ambitious Italian youths in Tuscany ended suddenly and brutally in a Milan boardroom last week when it was announced that fashion house Dulce and Carpaccio had been taken over by Sylvio Mazerati."

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