Tradução & Definição

blood pressure: pressão arterial idiom
(He suffers from) high blood pressure: (Ele sofre de) pressão alta idiom
blood: sangue noun


  • "Dr. Loblaw : Your blood pressure is normal, temperature as well."
  • "I will not let my little Icarus suffer the same fate as my poor husband: stress is a very dangerous thing, and Icarus will be staying at home with me until his blood pressure drops."
  • ""Sleep is essential... at least 8 hours for most adults... lack of sleep leads to bad health... high blood pressure... heart disease... poor performance at work"... Ey up, that sounds serious!"
  • "Smithson argues that stress starts to pose serious threats such as permanent damage to brain cells (which has linked high stress levels to alzheimer's disease and strokes) and high blood pressure (the link between stress and heart attacks) only when the stress is allowed to build up over a long period of time."
  • "My doctor has diagnosed me with high blood pressure, I've been sweating like a pig and I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks!"
  • "Insufficient or poor-quality sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as the probability of making risky decisions."
  • "DISCLAIMER: For safety reasons, participants are required to be in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems. It is advisable to bring a spare pair of underpants."
  • "His heart attack was caused by high blood pressure brought on by his high-stress job."

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