Tradução & Definição

blood: o sangue noun
to bleed: sangrar verb

Esse verbo é irregular
I bleed / I bled / I have bled

UK: I once gave a boy a bloody nose in a fight.
US: If you want blood, you've got it.


  • "Medical History for Blood Donors"
  • "Nurse Baker : Well, there's a risk that your blood may contain infectious diseases such as HIV..."
  • "Food is only for blood donors: no bleeding, no feeding, that's the rule."
  • "There's a little bit of blood on it, but that can be wiped off."
  • "a spoonful of Keith Richard's urine... and the blood of a virgin."
  • "I've looked at your Medical History questionnaire and I'm afraid you won't be able to give blood today."
  • "Desmond and Brian : Vomit and blood and piss in your hair!"
  • "Or do you want me to complete the form using my own blood – get it?"

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