Tradução & Definição

a bird: um pássaro noun
I love birds, especially roasted peacock. Eu adoro pássaros, especialmente pavão assado.


  • "Jean : I don't know what kind of bird that is, but probably a pigeon."
  • "It is therefore only natural that birds should benefit from the same protection and fashion sense as us."
  • "The scarf measures 50cm in length and is designed to fit around the necks of most birds (except ostriches and emus, which require modified versions of the scarf)."
  • "Some sort of clue... a tattoo, a birthmark, a mole, a bird, something!"
  • "Jean : It is about a nice bird named Alouette."
  • "I have given her a fabulous purple tiara to distinguish her from any other messenger birds you may receive."
  • "On the beach, white sea birds attacked me and ate my sandwiches, then Masaki threw a rock at them which hit me on the head."
  • "The most contagious (and potentially fatal) strain of the virus, called H5N1, has the potential to decimate the global bird population."
  • "On the beach, a lot of white sea birds attacked me and ate my sandwiches, then Masaki threw a rock at them which hit me on the head."
  • "It's beautiful this time of year: the leaves are falling, the birds are singing, and best of all, it's hunting season!"

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