Tradução & Definição

a bastard: um canalha, um bastardo (vulgar) noun
Note that in parts of the UK, the word "bastard" is sometimes used more affectionately or as a term of endearment toward friends.
a bastard: um bastardo, um filho ilegítimo noun


  • "The bad news is that my tarantulas were accidentally delivered to a child's baptism.The good news is that Edward Moon is a bastard."
  • "You're a right sneaky bastard, Bruno!"
  • "Then Mommy called Daddy a "bastard"."
  • "Subject: Edward is a bastard"
  • "This Gidyeon bastard is slashing prices like there's no tomorrow!"
  • "But the bastard shaved off all of my hair."
  • "I mean that he is a bastard in the sense that you are not his father, and Susan is not his mother."

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