Tradução & Definição

the authorities: as autoridades noun
The authorities have declared marshal law in the region. As autoridades declararam a lei marcial na região.
The doctors at the Mayo Clinic are the leading authorities on cancer research in the U.S. Os médicos da Clínica Mayo são as maiores autoridades em pesquisa sobre o câncer nos Estados Unidos.


  • "Kevin : But, you don't have the authority!"
  • "But you should know that I don't have the authority to finalize such decisions."
  • "Authorities don't yet know who is behind the virus, but they do know the motive: to steal people's money."
  • "Authorities suspect the balloon was commandeered by a passenger, eccentric fragrance enthusiast Bruno Delavigne at approximately 11:30 pm."
  • "The authorities have blamed a faulty switch for the catastrophe, which will cost the state five to six million euros."
  • "The thing is though, the Spanish authorities are being a bit difficult."
  • "Authorities are currently investigating possible links to notorious perfume magnate Kalvin Krime."
  • "Authorities speculated that the group's chance for survival was "slim to none", then specified that it was closer to .006 percent."

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