Tradução & Definição

Australia: Austrália noun
an Australian: um australiano noun
(an) Australian (hat): (um chapéu) australiano adjective


  • "Joan Wayne's grisly death has captured the imagination of Australians everywhere;"
  • "Pilot : G'day everyone and welcome aboard Billabong Airlines Flight 172 to Sydney, Australia."
  • "They are a typical Australian couple, and they are going to welcome us in their typical Australian home."
  • "Horatio : ...I took her to Australia... But she was eaten by "Sharky" the shark."
  • "We can show our guests a bit of Australia, and then eat so much that we all throw up!"
  • "So, before we land in Australia, do you have any questions?"
  • "Is that Australian slang for "have a duel"?"
  • "Tell me all about this "Australia"."

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