Tradução & Definição

an aunt: uma tia noun
My auntie is 74 years old. She was born 10 years before my mother. Minha tia tem 74 anos. Ela nasceu 10 anos antes da minha mãe.
(This is my) great aunt: Esta é a minha tia-avó noun


  • "Since then, great auntie Margaret has contacted Trading Standards (the consumer protection agency), but we don't know if she'll ever get her money back."
  • "It's what great aunty Hilda would have wanted."
  • "Kevin : Well, on my mother's side of the family, let's see, with three aunts and four uncles, I have a total of thirty-seven cousins."
  • "Last week, I received a phone call from my great aunt Margaret."
  • "The above points probably seem obvious to most of us, but the great aunt Margarets of this world might find them useful."
  • "As some of you may know, my great aunt Hilda sadly passed away last week."
  • "We'll have tea and crumpets with Auntie Barbara-"

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