Tradução & Definição

attractive: atraente, encantador(a), cativante, atrativo(a) adjective


  • "Techie (Rajard) : Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, this model she's very attractive, goodness gracious me."
  • "Hello attractive female!"
  • "Younger and more attractive, if possible PERIOD."
  • "Let's make your senior staff more accessible, more attractive, more distinguished, and less naked."
  • "Someone attractive, who enjoys traveling, and the finer things in life."
  • "The US property market is currently suffering a credit crisis, and it is now very attractive for Britons who cannot cope with the sky-high house prices at home."
  • "Philip : Hannah, aren't you going to introduce me to your other, more attractive friend?"
  • "The US property market is currently suffering a credit crisis, making it attractive for Britons who cannot cope with the sky-high house prices at home."

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