Tradução & Definição

aside from: à parte de, com exceção de prepositional phrase
Aside from that, I'm really pleased with your work. Com excecão disso, estou muito satisfeito com o seu trabalho.
Aside from the fact that he's rude, uninteresting and selfish, I quite like him. Apesar dele ser rude, desinteressante e egoísta, eu gosto bastante dele.


  • "Bruno, aside from the fact that you sign my paycheck, I think you are smart, sensitive and kind."
  • "Aside from its famed lines of clothing, elegant runway models and shows, PLP released a number of high-end fragrances over the years including the controversial "Opiate"."
  • "Rupert : Brent, aside from the crew of astronauts who accompanied me on this mission, I see no "men on the moon"."
  • "Bargain Basement Bundle : The big advantage of this package (aside from the low price) is the inventory feature."
  • "Aside from Bümbüm's fee, we should be able to film the commercial for under a million dollars, which is rather inexpensive considering the scope of the project."
  • "What drew my interest though, aside from Horatio's partial nudity and the supernatural gleam in his eye, was the large sack he was carrying in his left hand."
  • "Bruno : Aside from the fact that he's completely unqualified, doesn't even know how to turn on a computer, and frequently asks Bob if he'd like to go out and pick flowers, yes, he's wonderful."

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Mais testemunhos.