Tradução & Definição

Asia: Ásia noun
South-East Asia Sudeste asiático
(an) Asian (restaurant): (um restaurante) asiático adjective
Luna loves Asian food. Luna adora comida asiática.
an Asian-American um americano de origem asiática

UK: I travelled all round South-East Asia after leaving school.
US: My girlfriend is Asian, and she is the best cook I've ever met.


  • "Cosmetics sales in Asia were up 13.4% compared to January of last year."
  • "Tomorrow morning I have to finish an interim financial report, and Kevin still hasn't gotten back to me with the figures I need from the factories in Asia, and I already asked him eight times, and Bruno's going to be furious if the finished report isn't on his desk by 12."
  • "Again, we should make special mention of the Asian market, where consumers bought 13.9% more Delavigne perfumes than in the first half of last year."
  • "In case you've forgotten, we had reached a deal on selling co-branded cosmetic products on the Asian market!"
  • "Kibi is from Asia."
  • "Didn't you mean that you have a date with the Asian American administrative assistant?"
  • "The overall upturn is largely due to higher demand for make-up and personal hygiene products in emerging Asian markets."
  • "And then I'm afraid I can't meet you for lunch because I have to learn Chinese - I'm giving a presentation to a group of Asian businessmen at 2pm.."
  • "Philip : Give me a special Asian massage?"
  • "For example, we saw the importance of the Asian market early on and adapted very quickly."

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