Tradução & Definição

to amount to ($67): totalizar, chegar a ($67) verb
The fixed expenses amount to an average of 5,000 Euros a month. Os custos totais fixos chegam a 5.000 euros por mês.
to amount to something in life: fazer alguma coisa da vida idiom
an amount: uma soma, um montante, uma quantidade noun
The amount of money spent on the trip was very large. A soma de dinheiro que gastamos na viagem foi muito grande.

UK: I have a large amount of money in the bank.
US: The bill amounted to $15.


  • "Icarus : Using high pitch frequencies emitted by the global positioning device in Bruno's helicopter, and then cross referencing them both with the amount of fuel in the helicopter as well as all known latitude and longitudes in both the eastern and western hemispheres, I was able to project Bruno and Susie's trajectory and landing location within one kilometer!"
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that Horatio keeps asking for."
  • "Congratulations on your recent acquisition of an obscene amount of money."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that everyone keeps asking about."
  • "This is why you're never going to amount to anything in life, Bruno!"
  • "The party proceeded to barbecue multiple sausages and prawns on the beach, and consume moderate amounts of beer (300-400 cans)."
  • "The party proceeded to barbecue sausages and prawns on the beach, and consume moderate amounts of beer (300-400 cans)."
  • "Studies show that the current "traffic light" labelling system - red, amber and green labels representing the amounts of salt, sugar, and fat - for foods on sale in supermarkets is reasonably common, but not effective enough in reducing obesity."
  • "As you can see, the company has provided the requisite amount of alcohol and sustenance for you to quote unquote "enjoy yourselves", and yet it still seems that you are not 100% thrilled with the festivities!"

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O seu método é único! Os seus cursos me ajudaram a progredir e a ganhar confiança durante as minhas viagens ao exterior...



Gymglish me permitiu melhorar minha expressão oral e escrita em francês. Uma rotina diária que eu não perderia por nada no mundo!

Mais testemunhos.