Tradução & Definição

an accountant: um contador noun
accounting: contabilidade noun
an account: uma conta noun

UK: When I grow up I want to be an accountant.
US: I'm sure you've got a bright future in accounting.


  • "Honestly Mr. Capone, now we have to find a new accountant!"
  • "Since you're in charge of personnel, I want to ask you to approach the accounts department on my behalf."
  • "Lawyer : That was the accountant!"
  • "Accomplished singer/songwriter seeks to work in an accounts department."
  • "You know with all these new corporate tax regulations and restrictions, I'm glad our accounting department, which is you, is capable of organizing our paperwork so efficiently."
  • "Lawyer : As for the tax evasion, I've made an appointment with the best accountant in town tomorrow at 10.00 am, at the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "Lawyer : The same accountant that was going to help you with your tax evasion case!"
  • "I would like you to accompany Philip on this trip in order to discuss said invoices with their accounts department while Philip discusses new orders with their buyers, thereby killing two birds with one stone."
  • "I'm going to tell the accounts department to go ahead and give you some of next month's salary."
  • "For accounting, a brand-new printer."

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