Florencio M. verhaal
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My name is Florencio Martin, and... what can I tell you as a story! I am from Spain. Vallirana, Barelona, and I am probably the eldest of your learners. 85, to be exact. But I enjoy doing my daily English lesson. As for me, I have lived for about ten years in England, on and off. But that was a century ago, or so it seems. And I loved it. Do I need to learn English? You may say. Probably not, but... One I enjoy doing it. And two, it keeps my mind busy and active, and that is the best medicine I can ever find. So, here I am, looking forward to doing my lesson every day and enjoying every minute of it. And furthermore, I get really annoyed with myself whenever I make a mistake and get my corrections back with low grades. I could go on and on telling my story, but I think it will look like an old man going on about his life, and nobody wants to hear an old man carrying on. Thanks very much for sharing a little moment with me. Best regards to you all and God bless you.
— Florencio M. (Vallirana (Barelona), SPAIN)