Verhalen van Frantastique-gebruikers

Verhalen van anderen zijn een inspiratie voor onze eigen levens.

Gratis proefperiode.

4.6/5 in de App Store, Play Store en op Trustpilot.
Meer dan 7 miljoen gebruikers.

Puck Å. (Stockholm)

Hello my Fantastic Frantastique Team! You want to know my story and why I have kept...

Ogtay G. (Baku)

I’m from Azerbaijan, a small country in South Caucasus. I’m really enjoying Frantastique...

Judit V. (Érd)

Hi there, my story is really simple. I just love the French language. I graduated from German...

Eleonor R. (Hamburg)

My Family wants to start a new life in the South of France. I learned French in school...

Felix D. (München)

Every working day usually begins with a lesson in Frantastique and the time devoted...

Gabrielle H. (Anglet)

As an English speaker, I have studied French for most of my adult life but needed to learn how...

Brigitte B. (Münster)

I happened to come across Frantastique and liked the short stories. I was a beginner at the time...

François B. (Madrid)

Starting from the beginning ... the experience with Frantastique was positive...

Dhouha M. (Bizerte)

Hello, my name is Dhouha Malaoui, a small French teacher since 2013, working in a tiny...

Ana Raquel S. (PARIS 16)

I love Frantastique and Frantastique Ortho so much! The courses have helped me...


I have been studying with Frantastique for two years and received about 250 interesting lessons...

S. L. Y. (Singapore)

I attended lessons twice a week at Alliance Francaise de Singapour. After 5 months, I believed...

Andre A. (Moscou)

I was in Paris in 2018. One day, I was in Saint-Denis. There was an antique market in the square...

Mounir B. (Fatnassa Brahmia - Sidi Bouzid)

With Frantastique, I managed to improve my level in French. At first, I thought I had mastered...

Ntsibolane L. (Maseru)

I live in Lesotho and I am a member of the Olympic Movement. I have always wanted to learn French...

Lucía M. (Madrid)

I had already learned French in school, but that was quite some time ago and now I need...

Peter H. (GELEEN)

My name is Peter. I am Dutch. The experience with Frantastique has been addictive...

Bruno P. (Kinshasa)

I come from Congo and I am currently living in Kinshasa, the capital of my country, so I already...

Monica T. (Buenos Aires)

I found you by chance, I wanted to improve my French (which I studied a long time ago)...

Joelle C. (Shanghai)

I was fortunate enough to discover Frantastique. For me, this is not only a process...