Michael M. verhaal
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Hey everyone, my name is Mike. I'm Australian and living in Canada. I have been studying French for 3 years and while I have found it challenging at times, my goal is to become fluent in the language eventually. [I'd like to take my mother (who has French heritage) to visit France and be able to speak confidently.] This site has been great for learning French [and is helping me to polish off some of the grammar that I found challenging in class.] Good luck with your learning process! Bonjour tout le monde. Je m'appelle Mike. Je suis Australien et j'habite à Toronto. J'étudie le français depuis trois ans. Je trouve ça un peu difficile, mais j'aimerais devenir m'améliorer dans la langue. Je trouve que ce site est très bénéfique pour apprendre cette belle langue. Bon courage avec votre apprentissage.
— Michael M. (Toronto, CANADA)