Marco C. verhaal
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My daughters, the two that I have, always studied within the French system: the school, then university, but I never bothered to study the language myself until my oldest daughter was naturalized and was about to marry a French boy. At that moment I decided that I had to study the language: I had to communicate with the consuegros, with the family of my son-in-law (he speaks Spanish very well). I started with a free application, and I advanced a bit, but it was not enough, until I discovered Frantastique. I tried the application, I enjoyed it a lot and I made a lot of progress in the language. I surprised everyone at the civil wedding, which was last September in Paris, I could communicate in French after 6 months of classes! And my new goal is to speak with French visitors at the religious wedding, which will be in March in Peru.
— Marco C. (Guatemala, GUATEMALA)