Hotel Borbollon online Spanish lessons have been rated 4,6 / 5 by 92543 users.
4/5 Véronique left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Caperucita y el lobo "
5/5 Marianne left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "La maleta perdida"
5/5 Patricia left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "El sueldo secreto"
4/5 Anaïs left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Saludos desde Cuzco"
4/5 Eric left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Surfeando con pingüinos"
5/5 Sybilla left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "¡Culpable!"
5/5 Peter left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Los huéspedes opinan"
5/5 Marie left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "La plata en el colchón"
4/5 Iris left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Sin plata en el súper"
1/5 Stefanie left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Un mundo sin papel"
4/5 Stephen left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "El último suspiro"
5/5 sophie left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "De padre a hijo"
5/5 淳子 left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Cuba Libre"
4/5 Alain left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Rodrigo de relax"
5/5 Anne left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Motor en apuros"
5/5 Waltraud left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Crónicas de la piscina"
4/5 Kjell left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "La respuesta mecánica"
4/5 Karin left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "El camino de Antonio"
5/5 Karin left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "El sueldo secreto"
5/5 Rudolf left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "El tablón de anuncios"
5/5 Regula left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "La cita del siglo"
5/5 Monika left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Fiesta en la bolsa"
5/5 Siglinde left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "La tele contra el teléfono 4"
4/5 Léa left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "¿Dónde está Rodrigo?"
5/5 Ursula left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "La tele contra el teléfono"
5/5 Grit left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Un miedo de película"
5/5 Gerald left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "De padre a hijo"
4/5 Nicolas left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "La tele contra el teléfono 4"
4/5 ursula left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "El último suspiro"
4/5 Susanne left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Un concierto de ronquidos"
5/5 Daniel Michel left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "El misterio del jarrón roto"
4/5 Tobias left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Críticas negativas"
4/5 Ruth left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Un miedo de película"
5/5 Lisa left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Último tango en Madrid"
5/5 C left a rating on 2025/03/04 for the episode "Las peticiones de Ana"
5/5 Birgit left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "¿De dónde viene el español?"
5/5 Valerie left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Día de los muertos"
5/5 René left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Lectura de manos"
5/5 Chantal left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El cobertizo"
5/5 Catherine left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Secretos de cocina"
5/5 Keith left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Un miedo de película"
5/5 Annette left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "De turismo por la ciudad"
5/5 Brigitte left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "¿Salud o dinero?"
4/5 Rainer left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Dura como un zapato"
4/5 Ingrid left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El cobertizo"
4/5 Vladimir left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "La respuesta mecánica"
5/5 Per left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El artista y la tenista"
4/5 André left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Viajo tirando dedo"
5/5 Nadine left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El sueño de Rodrigo"
5/5 Carina left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El perro pianista"
5/5 Maryse left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Motor en apuros"
5/5 Susanne left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Vamos a la playa"
5/5 Charles left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Sopa de letras"
5/5 Oliver left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Intercambio de habitaciones"
4/5 Barbara left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El sueño de Rodrigo"
5/5 Amaya left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "La carrera de camas"
5/5 ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Soledad"
5/5 Iva left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Sin carné"
4/5 tony left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Tengo frío"
4/5 Eva left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "En medio de la nada"
5/5 John left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "La tele contra el teléfono"
5/5 Georges left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "La tele contra el teléfono 4"
5/5 Katja left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Jamón, Jamón"
5/5 Virginie left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Comida para mí"
4/5 laurette left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "¿Cómo llegar al Hotel Borbollón?"
5/5 Martin left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El trotamundos"
4/5 Winfried left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Mala impresión"
4/5 Maria left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El perro en la Luna"
5/5 Einhard left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "La era de Escorpio"
3/5 Denis left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "La era de Escorpio"
5/5 Thomas left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El autoestopista"
4/5 Herbert left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Burro de carretera"
5/5 Alessandro left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Cuba Libre"
4/5 Marie left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Las peticiones de Ana"
4/5 Claire left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Desapariciones inexplicables"
5/5 Véronique left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Un abogado, por favor"
5/5 Rita left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Siesta sagrada"
5/5 Joshua left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Un miedo de película"
5/5 Catherine left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Un mundo sin dinero"
5/5 Bea left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Desorientación asistida"
4/5 Monique left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Suéltate el pelo"
4/5 Catherine left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Crónicas de la piscina"
4/5 Clas-Göran left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "En el ascensor"
4/5 Julie left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Si tuviera tiempo..."
5/5 Jan left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Háblame de ti"
5/5 Susan left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Cuba Libre"
5/5 Karim left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "¿De dónde viene el español?"
4/5 ursula left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El último suspiro"
4/5 Jo left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Correo de Egipto"
4/5 Jacqueline left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "De padre a hijo"
4/5 Brigitte left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "¡Alarma, virus!"
5/5 Timothée left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "¿De dónde viene el español?"
5/5 Antoinette left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Comida para mí"
5/5 michel left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "El jardín del Borbollón"
4/5 Silke left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Cena con un físico"
4/5 Maciej left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Muerte en la piscina"
3/5 Ria left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Don Quijote"
5/5 Marie Pascale left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Escenas en un restaurante"
4/5 Philippe left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Surfeando con pingüinos"
5/5 Christelle left a rating on 2025/03/03 for the episode "Cliente insoportable"