Frantastique, de online cursus Frans is beoordeeld met een 4,6 / 5 door 7057 gebruikers.
5/5 SONIA left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
5/5 Masahiro left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
5/5 Arnaldo left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : écriture codée"
5/5 Tatiana left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Je reviendrai à Montréal"
5/5 Mary left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Solange fait ses courses"
5/5 Albert left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Mais qui est Jeanine ?"
4/5 Cesar left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "La misère dans le métro"
5/5 Efren ........ left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Un moment historique"
5/5 Marie Berlege left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Sauver John Brown"
5/5 Jena left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Peintre presque aveugle loue beau jardin"
5/5 Azza left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Un train de retard"
5/5 Francisco left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Radio gaufre : un accord historique"
4/5 Janet left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "À quoi sert l'amour ?"
5/5 Dmytro left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Une petite mise à jour"
4/5 Liz left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "La grève des devoirs"
4/5 Robert left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Au café"
5/5 Silvia left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Le recrutement de Muriel & Marcel"
5/5 Jisoo left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : un client enfin satisfait"
5/5 Eric left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
5/5 Maryem left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
5/5 Jinseung left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "La face cachée de Jeanine Lacoste"
5/5 Federico left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "La sécurité avant tout"
4/5 Tayfun left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Le Tour de France"
4/5 Shunsuke left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Les aventures de Rimbaud et Verlaine"
4/5 Patricia left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Le stock de moutarde est en péril"
4/5 弘子 left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
5/5 Thomas left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Flagrant délit"
4/5 Olivia left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Comment on fait les bébés ?"
3/5 Janet left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Lily left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "La folle aux 1000 lettres"
5/5 Ramón left a rating on 2024/11/20 for the episode "Bientôt les vacances"
5/5 MoonHee left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Le piston de Thierry Letrone"
5/5 Katerina left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Convocation au tribunal"
4/5 Diego left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Les 400 marches "
5/5 Maksym left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Loin des yeux"
4/5 mark left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "L'AIGF TV présente : Aidez cet enfant"
5/5 Christian William left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Un sourire qui claque"
4/5 Hans left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "En route vers le futur"
5/5 Iza left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "C'est grave, docteur ? La maladie anachronique de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Patrick left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Mince, alors : le nouveau régime de Gérard Therrien"
4/5 Marc left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "La double vie de Bertrand Lefebvre"
5/5 Thomas left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Émile Zola accuse réception"
4/5 Norbert left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Jeanine a le trac"
4/5 Wolfgang left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Et si on allait à la mer ?"
4/5 Trang-Dai left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "L'heure de vérité"
5/5 Ernesto left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
5/5 Meriam left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "La journée des « non »"
4/5 Martin left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Une petite mise à jour"
5/5 Babi left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "5 jours dans la vie d’une baguette"
4/5 Josephine left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Plus de navette, plus de croquettes"
5/5 Darya left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 Peter left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "La misère dans le métro"
4/5 Christian left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Il fera beau demain"
5/5 Ariana left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Une maladie mystérieuse"
4/5 Eva left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
5/5 Astrid left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
4/5 Elmar left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
4/5 Gulshan left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Thierry au ski"
5/5 Lvcivs left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "La maladie de Muriel"
5/5 Alejandro left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Rendez-moi mes skis ! "
4/5 Remo left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Qui cherche trouve"
5/5 left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
4/5 Georg left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Sauvons « L'Ami papier »"
4/5 AMERIGO left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "L'œil de Thierry"
5/5 dorothea left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
4/5 Pia left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Le stagiaire disparu"
5/5 Lauro left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Le recrutement de Muriel & Marcel"
5/5 Azza left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Un train de retard"
5/5 Léa left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
4/5 christa left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Le tube du siècle"
5/5 Vítek left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Sauvons « L'Ami papier »"
5/5 Alina left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Le stock de moutarde est en péril"
5/5 Stevie left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "La folle aux 1000 lettres"
5/5 Claudia left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "L'art de négocier comme un chien"
5/5 Javier left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Choc électrique"
4/5 Daniel left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Thierry n'y arrive pas"
5/5 Yuliia left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Revenons à nos moutons"
5/5 Aida left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Et si on allait à la mer ?"
5/5 Bertie left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
5/5 Jiří left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Il fera beau demain"
4/5 Michel left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "La semaine de Lefebvre"
5/5 Olaf left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Victor se présente aux élections"
5/5 Claudia left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 Dirk left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Un nouveau billet qui va faire des étincelles"
4/5 Ege left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Le rêve de Muriel Petite"
4/5 Alicia left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "La tour Eiffel"
5/5 Connor left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
4/5 Sabine left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Thierry fait tout"
4/5 Theresa left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Victor fait la fête"
5/5 Irina left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Parce que t'es con"
5/5 Indira left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Thierry au ski"
4/5 Joshua left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Ça va aller !"
4/5 Esther left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : La mouche tache et le fromage"
5/5 Sven left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Les bisous"
5/5 Hans Werner left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Les États-Unis d'Europe"
5/5 Guillermo left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Il y a comme un rhinocéros"
4/5 Abdinaasir left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Au boulot !"
4/5 Gabriele left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Un train de retard"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Des messages dans tous les sens"
4/5 Torsten left a rating on 2024/11/19 for the episode "Solange démissionne encore"