Ecco le testimonianze dei nostri utenti da tutto il mondo.
4,6 su App Store, Play Store e Trustpilot Più di 7 milioni di utenti in tutto il mondo.
My daily newspaper offered three months of language courses free of charge to try out...
Really interesting courses! Too bad my busy professional life...
I am a German learner and I have benefitted from this program a lot. Since it is so short...
My 15 minutes of Gymglish lessons have become a daily ritual...
Gymglish is a good language school in my opinion and I am sure that the study...
Good experience with the lessons, some of them were very entertaining...
I'm always looking forward to the lesson. I always learn something here...
Learning English with the help of the Gymlish portal motivates me to do something...
When I was at school, I enjoyed learning French, despite, on my first exchange visit...
It is my first French class, I don't really know the language very well but I hope to learn...
rantastique is great fun for me, it is much much better than any school or other language...
When I was small, 7 or 8 maybe, I wanted to be French. Whether there was any French ancestry...
We welcomed an exchange student, I wanted to have a few words with the student so I...
I love the stories because they are eclectic, humorists and without taboo. I hope to have made...
The fact that I'm writing to you in French shows that I still need your services...
Each lesson is short and can be done in 10-15 minutes. I like the alternation between...
My name is Diego and my dog is Tornillo because he spent three months living in...
I discovered Frantastique through a newspaper. Now I love it. I studied French at university...
I've always been fascinated by Italy and its language. Don't ask me why! I'm not from Italy...
I can definitely say that Frantastique helped me pass the Diplôme d’études en langue français...