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Ecco le testimonianze dei nostri utenti da tutto il mondo.

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4,6 su App Store, Play Store e Trustpilot
Più di 7 milioni di utenti

Sylvie G. (Lucerne)

I’m looking after my father, who is 95 years old and suffering from dementia. Because of the...

Ems M. (Amsterdam)

My daily Frantastique emails bring a smile to my face even before opening the lessons...

Pilar G. (Madrid)

Once upon a time I used to speak English very well. With time, I forgot many things...

Jean C. (Pointe-à-Pitre)

I very much enjoyed my lessons and recommend the app to anyone who wants to learn whilst...

Johan L. (Munich)

I'm a Swedish citizen. I grew up in Sweden and finished my school and University there...

Cecilia R. (Trieste)

I wake up every morning at six and before doing anything else, I complete the exercises...

Peter Heinz P. (Radebeul / Dresden)

First, Thank you for your "my story" pages, which are very interesting...

A. R. (Boston, MA)

My husband is French but is a fluent English speaker. I took French through my first...

Elmar S. (Hattingen)

After finishing school in 1978, I had successfully completed nine years of English classes...

Kerstin R. (Finneland OT Kahlwinkel)

In October 2019 I went on a short hiking tour through Slovenia. It is a beautiful country...

Thomas S. (Tübingen)

I like the Frantastique lessons. I also attend a course (now online) in the Franco-German...

Jayne M. (Derbyshire)

I learned French in school and liked it immediately. Then I was sent on holiday...

Tillac M. (LA RICHE 37520)

I love the English spirit, the people are so polite, pragmatic and surprisingly efficient...

Franziska W. (Wien)

Dear Gymglish team. Occasionally we welcome guests from abroad to our Vienna apartment...

Mariela D. (Rosario)

I can say that my French lessons with Frantastique gave a very rich twist to my days. I have...

Toni L. (Bordeaux)

I find the stories very funny. They are helping me discover new words and expressions...

Leif E. (Stockholm)
Hotel Borbollón

Efficient training of my previous knowledge of the Spanish language.

Bobbie X. (San Diego)

I love Frantastique! Especially when my French visitors say, "Wow, your french...

Nathalie J. (Angoulême)

I am so glad to explain how Frantastique and Gymglish have helped me overcome my neurologic...

Adina D. (Călan)

For me, Gymglish courses are the most pleasant way to start my day. Every morning when I wake up...