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Monica R. (Hettlingen)
Saga Baldoria

Finally, Italian! I've been waiting for it like Santa. So much fun. Gymglish courses are the best...

Monique V. (Edegem)

I live in Belgium, in the neighborhoud of Antwerp. Actually, there isn't any necessity to...

Saouen A. (Gafsa)

I'm doing my first lessons with Frantastique. I enjoy them and I hope to continue with you...

Martine A. (Montluçon)

Gymglish is part of my daily English learning and practice routine. Less academic and much...

Kjell J. (Strömsnäsbruk)

I find Gymglish is a perfect pastime during the pandemic to structure my day during social...

Ron H. (Rapperswil-Jona)

I was born and raised in the USA. At age 29 I moved to Switzerland in 1972. I learned...

Cly-Toh N. (Bangkok)
Frantastique Orthographe

J'ai appris à écrire et parler français dès mon plus jeune âge mais avec le temps, j'ai petit...

Mikaël O. (Abidjan)

I'm a German undergraduate, but I've never been so enlightened in German grammar...

Orna A. (Ramat Efal)

Orly, my dearest English teacher recommended Gymglish for me when the Corona made it impossible...

Elisabeth D. (ENTRE DEUX EAUX)

During confinement I felt like I would soon be able to travel again. Being able to talk about it...

Daniela A. (Oldenburg)

One year ago I was on vacation and I felt unhappy and uncertain whilst engaging in English...

Rosmarie M. (Basel)

I discovered Gymglish on the Internet. I think the diversity of the course is great. You can...

Patricia R. (Toulon)

In the beginning, I started gymglish following a familial bet. Afterwards, I understood that...

Gloria C. (MADISON)

When quarantine began, I was influenced to visit and hopefully move to France because of...

Joan Antoni L. (Terrassa)

My name is Joan, from Catalonia, a small nation in Europe on the Mediterranean...

Myriam R. (Septeuil)
Saga Baldoria

It's a real pleasure to do my Saga Baldoria lessons every morning. Although quite intense...

Agnès N. (Varsberg)

Hello, I want to learn English. I have a project to go in South Africa. I have too holiday's...

Shivam C. (Indore)

Hello, my name is Shivam Chaturvedi and I'm from India. I'm 15 years old. My dream...

Christine C. (Atlanta)

Since I was a little girl, I always heard that “Le Monde” was one of the best written...

Israel S. (Playa Del Carmen)

I studied French when I was younger but had to quit for various reasons. However, I like the idea...