Ciò che i nostri utenti dicono di Gymglish

Ecco le testimonianze dei nostri utenti da tutto il mondo.

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4,6 su App Store, Play Store e Trustpilot
Più di 7 milioni di utenti in tutto il mondo.

Carlos M. (Barcelona)

I’ve been studying English since I was a boy in the school and then in some officials...

Agnès U. (Saint-Maur)

Just a few words to tell you that my Gymglish training should be finishing in a few...

Clément U. (Pékin)

The educational interest soon became clear, and I take a lot of pleasure for a few...

Laurent U. (Paris)

Having started to use English on a professional level since October 2007, Gymglish...

Véronique U. (Lyon)

Thank you very much for your lessons which I have found very constructive and...

Cyril U. (Bastia)

I have followed this training with a view to passing an English exam. I have also...

Charles R. (Bordeaux)

I'm medical doctor who started Gymglish2 years ago because I needed to improve my English...

Ndarihebere L. (Bujumbura)

Since I started the Gymglish course, I've become better and better in written and spoken English...

Christine L. (Reilly)

I look forward to receiving my Gymglish lesson each day: it's my break between two meetings...

Camila P. (Paris)

I'm a Chilean girl living in France for a few years. I'm trying to finish my PhD in Sociology...

Thierry G. (Vendée)

Forty years ago, I dropped out of school to join the navy. I was very young at the time...

Quang Hieu T. (Hanoi)

Hello Gymglish team. I have been learning for 3 years. Although I'm not a good student...

Michelle B. (VALAIRE)

My wish is to maintain my conversational English, but unfortunately I live far away...

Nicolas G. (Lyon)

I love figures and Gymglish is a good way to start a working day with a good score...

alaoui s. (Rabat)

You are vvhere you are seated. This is vvhat people say. As you can see, I hope to seat...

Coralie L. (London)

I discovered Gymglish a couple of years ago via my university. It was mandatory to use it...


I've learned English for almost 2 years. For my 'BAC' I had a 5 in English...

corinne c. (dourdan)

Now that I follow the story and that I make the exercises every day it is great...

Denis P. (PARIS)

I do my Gymglish each morning in the TGV between Tours and Paris. After 140 lessons...

Michele G. (44800 SAINT-HERBLAIN)

Every morning I am very happy to receive my English lesson. Thanks to Gymglish...