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Più di 7 milioni di utenti

Bas v. (DELFT)

C'est chaque jour un plaisir de commencer ma leçon et de interrompre mon travail pour...

Mustafa N. (Düsseldorf)

Learning French in spite of my age is a lot of fun, I would like to thank all the employees at...

Tatiana R. (Moscow)

Hello Frantastique team! I started your course when I had some spare time from my...

Erika M. (Plessala)

Hi there! Since November 2020, my husband Dennis, our dog Miep and I live in France...

Luciana E. (Accra)

I was transferred to Ghana for work and I was thinking how to use my free time in a new country...

Edi J. (8105 Watt - Regensdorf ( bei Zürich ))

Very good and clear lessons. I received my diploma from the Alliance Francaise in...

Silvia C. (Rome)

I used Frantastique for three years, never gave it up and am now continuing with...

Christiane S. (Weissenburg)

Although I´m not a native, I tried the fantastic Frantastique lessons for the first time in...

Amanda R. (Cassagnes-Bégonhes)

Hi, I started learning French with Frantastique in 2016 and it has become part of my routine...

Cigdem S. (London)

I am married to a French speaker, and I love how Frantastique makes me more...

Hugh B. (Nottingham)

Great fun way to revive my French. I do enjoy cartoons because they make me laugh...

Francesca D. (Roma)

I just began using Frantastique and I already love it! Its drawings, its approach, its videos...


I learned a lot of words during my time with the Frantastique course. I have learned a lot...

Irma S. (Stuttgart)

For almost 60 years, I was an au-pair girl in Paris. At that time I started with a little...

Puck Å. (Stockholm)

Hello my Fantastic Frantastique Team! You want to know my story and why I have kept...

Ogtay G. (Baku)

I’m from Azerbaijan, a small country in South Caucasus. I’m really enjoying Frantastique...

Judit V. (Érd)

Hi there, my story is really simple. I just love the French language. I graduated from German...

Eleonor R. (Hamburg)

My Family wants to start a new life in the South of France. I learned French in school...

Felix D. (München)

Every working day usually begins with a lesson in Frantastique and the time devoted...

Gabrielle H. (Anglet)

As an English speaker, I have studied French for most of my adult life but needed to learn how...