Ecco la testimonianza diFiona K.

As I rouse each morning from my slumber, my waking thoughts concern two cute extraterrestrials, an irascible Director of an Intergalactic Agency and, most of all, a certain man of letters, Monsieur Victor Hugo! Is this a dream fragment? No! I’m fully primed ready for my next Frantastique fix. Augmenting my French studies (evening class once a week) Frantastique has become an integral part of my daily routine. Before ablutions, attending to canine needs or even coffee, I must first address the French language (known as getting one’s priorities in order). I wait with bated breath to discover what new delights are in store from the Frantastique stable (or should I say “table”). This daily taster of French grammar and vocabulary, served up in an edifying mix of irreverence and humour, whets the appetite each morning. This “taster” builds over time and soon the hors d’oeuvre transforms into a four course feast! Before long you are sampling the finer points of French grammar and greedily consuming vocabulary equal to all social situations. Little wonder then that two days out of seven I wake disappointed to discover they are my days of rest from Frantastique. These days do however serve to intensify my hunger and I relish the prospect of the next dish of the day. Bon appétit!
— Fiona K. (Brighton, UNITED KINGDOM)