Ecco la testimonianza diAmanda R.

Hi, I started learning French with Frantastique in 2016 and it has become part of my routine over the last 6 years. I moved from the UK to live in France in 2020 and became a French resident, with my continued learning I hope one day to apply for Nationality but I am a long way off. I am an older learner so my progress is slow and I forget a lot of what I learn but the daily revision and repetition help it go in eventually. My lessons increase my vocabulary and my confidence in using the language in my day-to-day. The lessons also give me a daily smile with their silliness. The photo of me (centre) is taken in our new home of Cassagne-Begonhes, with two of my daughters who visited recently.
— Amanda R. (Cassagnes-Bégonhes, FRANCE)