Agreement of tenses in reported speech
La concordanza dei tempi nella frase si fa così:
I think (that) I am going to leave (in half an hour). (present progressive) Penso di andare via (entro mezz'ora)
I thought (that) I was going to leave . (past progressive) Pensavo di partire.
I thought (that) I was going to leave . (past progressive) Pensavo di partire.
I think (that) he will come (to my party tomorrow). (futuro)
I thought he would come (but in fact he didn't). (futuro anteriore) Pensavo che sarebbe venuto.
I thought he would come (but in fact he didn't). (futuro anteriore) Pensavo che sarebbe venuto.
I think he has lost his keys. (present perfect simple) Credo che abbia perso le chiavi.
I thought he had lost his keys. (past perfect simple) Credevo che avesse perso le chiavi.
I thought he had lost his keys. (past perfect simple) Credevo che avesse perso le chiavi.
I think he has been working here for 3 years. (present perfect progressive) Credo che lavori qui da 3 anni.
I thought he had been working here for 3 years. (past perfect progressive) Credevo che lavorasse qui da 3 anni.
I thought he had been working here for 3 years. (past perfect progressive) Credevo che lavorasse qui da 3 anni.
Il discorso indiretto si usa principalmente per ripetere le parole di qualcuno:
Bob said he would clean up his desk. Bob disse che avrebbe pulito la sua scrivania.
Bruno told me he was going to take a vacation soon. Bruno mi ha detto che pandrà in vacanza.
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