Le lezioni di francese online di Frantastique hanno ricevuto recensioni una valutazione media di 4,6 / 5 da 92543 utenti.
5/5 Grant left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "En panne d'inspiration"
5/5 Iza left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : la guerre de l'espresso"
5/5 Andres left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La maladie de Muriel"
4/5 Bożena left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
4/5 Mihiro left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Le Tour de France"
4/5 Hans left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Un train de retard"
5/5 Meriam left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "5 jours dans la vie d’une baguette"
5/5 Annette left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode ""B" comme baguette"
4/5 left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "À quoi sert l'amour ?"
4/5 Wolfgang left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Victor fait la fête"
4/5 Manfred left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Les clés de la discorde"
5/5 Stevie left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Du bon usage du français"
5/5 Irina left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Cordula left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : La mouche tache et le vin"
4/5 Alexander left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Victor se présente aux élections"
4/5 Elizabeth left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Des messages dans tous les sens"
5/5 Natalie left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Charles Baudelaire"
5/5 Gustavo left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
4/5 Daniel left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Les retrouvailles de Napoléon et Victor "
5/5 Μαρία left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "5 jours dans la vie d’une baguette"
5/5 Polina left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "C'est grave, docteur ? 35 heures dans la vie de Solange Petitperrin"
5/5 Anders left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Muriel Petite tombe en panne"
5/5 Astrid left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'expression express : laisser tomber"
5/5 Gerardo left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Charles Baudelaire"
5/5 Saidou left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Manuela left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La misère dans le métro"
4/5 Tatiana left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : du nouveau dans la grammaire française"
5/5 Ulrike left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "C'est à quel sujet ?"
5/5 Peter left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Sauvons « L'Ami papier »"
4/5 Chaima left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La double vie de Bertrand Lefebvre"
4/5 René left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La barbe de Victor"
5/5 Inge left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Au café"
5/5 Marina left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'autorité, ça a du bon"
5/5 Regina left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La maladie de Muriel"
5/5 Emna left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
5/5 Penelope left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Sauvons « L'Ami papier »"
5/5 Maryem left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Thierry n'y arrive pas"
4/5 Pia left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Une proposition qui ne se refuse pas"
4/5 Ulla left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Bertrand est de retour de vacances"
4/5 Gertraud left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Un Louis pour assainir ses finances"
5/5 Olena left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Drôles de Belges !"
5/5 Elisabeth left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Martti left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Ne réveillez pas le chat qui dort"
5/5 Bejaoui left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Gauche ou droite ?"
3/5 Anette left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Radio gaufre : un accord historique"
5/5 Barbro left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
4/5 Stefan left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'entretien d'Edward"
4/5 Luisa left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Les frais de Muriel Petite "
4/5 Diego left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fan de Victor"
5/5 Paola Roberta left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "SOS Solange en détresse"
4/5 Jean Chaque left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La partie de tennis"
4/5 Isabella Anna left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
5/5 T left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La partie de tennis"
4/5 Carola left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'entretien d'Edward"
5/5 Eline left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
5/5 Florencia left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
4/5 Beate left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Que faire de ses amendes ?"
5/5 Christine left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La tour Eiffel"
4/5 Margareta left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La barbe de Victor"
4/5 Karin left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Allô allô ?"
5/5 Christopher left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Les Français n'aiment pas les végétariens"
4/5 Kim left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
4/5 Daniela left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Contre la misère"
3/5 Gabriele left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Frances left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Un Louis pour assainir ses finances"
5/5 Javier left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Charles Baudelaire"
5/5 Markéta left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La journée des « non »"
4/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
4/5 Renate left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
5/5 Raluca left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Critique chronique : l'hôtellerie"
4/5 Margit left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Jeanine décroche un CDI"
5/5 catherine left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Il pleut chez Jeanine"
4/5 Agustín left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Une petite mise à jour"
4/5 Inge left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : La cuillère à café"
3/5 Ines left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Radio gaufre : un accord historique"
5/5 christina left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Faites le plein à Tadoussac-sur-Bitume !"
4/5 Mariapia left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'AIGF TV présente : Du coq à l'âne"
5/5 Göran left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 Malin left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Un sourire qui claque"
4/5 Jutta left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Napoléon veut être muté"
5/5 Irene left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Le supermarché"
5/5 Tony left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : écriture codée"
4/5 Arthur left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : une baguette sans pain"
4/5 Beth left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Le 1er jour de Jeanine"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Un combat difficile"
5/5 Indira left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La table ronde sur l'Europe "
5/5 Birgit left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "À la recherche de la fille perdue"
4/5 Lori left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "La partie de pétanque"
5/5 Klaus-Peter left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'aspirateur"
5/5 None left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Au pigeon doré : une histoire de sel"
5/5 Irina left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fan de Victor"
5/5 Jan left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
5/5 Agnes left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Jamais sans ma fille"
4/5 Peter left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
5/5 Frans left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'art de négocier comme un chien"
5/5 Anna left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Le stock de moutarde est en péril"
5/5 Eric left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Le stagiaire disparu"
4/5 Katja left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Thierry vs la banque : une sacrée opportunité"
2/5 Angela left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
4/5 Brigitte left a rating on 2025/03/05 for the episode "L'expression express : laisser tomber"
Le lezioni di francese online di Frantastique
hanno ricevuto recensioni una valutazione media di
4,6 / 5
da 92543 utenti.