Le lezioni di francese online di Frantastique hanno ricevuto recensioni una valutazione media di 4.6 / 5 da 92414 utenti.

  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Une maladie mystérieuse"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Les 400 marches "
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Un bon steak frites"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Sous-location chez hôte de la haute"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Une chanson pour une question"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Au boulot !"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Fan de Victor"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Blanc sur rouge"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Au café"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Bossu le stagiaire"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Un tableau pour le patron"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Thierry au ski"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Bossu le stagiaire"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Mort en montagne"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : savoir s'imposer"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La double vie de Bertrand Lefebvre"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Une histoire de navette"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "C'est grave, docteur ? La maladie culturelle d'Edward Moon"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Un appel pour Fifi"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Que sont-ils en train de faire ? "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Lefebvre fait les comptes"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Un moment historique"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le rêve de Muriel Petite"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Un moment historique"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Il pleut chez Jeanine"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Blanc sur rouge"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le stock de moutarde est en péril"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Rendez-moi mes skis ! "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "L'autorité, ça a du bon"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Planète francophone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : La cuillère à café"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Les Français ne se lavent pas"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Blocage au bureau"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Maudite facture !"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La Reine du Canada"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Coup sur coup : coup de foudre"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Les aventures de Fifi le caniche"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Poulet à la crapaudine"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le supermarché"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le coup de gueule de Victor"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Planète francophone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Casser la croûte"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : scandale à Marseille"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Ne te laisse pas abattre : l'histoire de Maurice"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Coup sur coup : coup de soleil"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Critique chronique : la gastronomie"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Planète francophone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Jeanine, une collègue inconnue"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Les aventures de Fifi le caniche"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Les Français n'aiment pas les végétariens"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Solange est une ordure"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Charles Baudelaire"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Plus de navette, plus de croquettes"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Au pigeon doré : tout est bon dans le pigeon"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La sécurité avant tout"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "C'est à quel sujet ?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le stagiaire disparu"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La voisine de Victor "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le piston de Thierry Letrone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Thierry fait tout"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Que faire de ses amendes ?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Les États-Unis d'Europe"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Les aventures de Fifi le caniche"
  • 2/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Un Louis pour assainir ses finances"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
  • 3/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le mystère de la cravate perdue"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le rêve de Muriel Petite"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "L'AIGF TV présente : Aidez cet enfant"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Un train de retard"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "C'est à quel sujet ?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Que faire de ses amendes ?"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor à la piscine"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Une bonne recette de maman"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : La cuillère à café"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Contre la misère"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Jean-Jean et les cours de sport"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "À tes souhaits !"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "La maladie de Muriel"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/14 for the episode "Le coup de gueule de Victor"

Le lezioni di francese online di Frantastique hanno ricevuto recensioni una valutazione media di 4.6 / 5 da 92414 utenti.