Voici les témoignages de nos utilisateurs du monde entier.
4,6 sur App Store, Play Store et Trustpilot. Plus de 7 000 000 d'apprenant.e.s autour du monde.
I have been using Frantastique for several months now and it has really kept me...
I really appreciate the playfulness of the episodes. The grammatical concepts covered..
I appreciate the regularity of the lessons, the content, the grammatical reminders...
I'm retired now and I've finally got time to revisit this language that I've always loved...
I've been studying French for 3 years and I've been taking Frantastique classes for a year...
Thanks to Gymglish, my level of English has significantly improved...
I am a heavy procrastinator, Frantastique has become my must-do every midnight...
I subscribde to Gymglish and Wunderbla, for different reasons.1 - I live in Iceland...
We have relatives in Veneto who we visit once a year and we are also interested in Italian culture
Thank you very much, I am really enjoying learning the French language this way. I love French...
I'm using Wunderbla to improve my German skills and it has helped me. It's both funny...
Gymglish lessons helps me assess my current level of English level; it is a reminder that I...
I was in Ecuador rain forest and chatted with a lovely German couple in German!...
I've been trying to learn English for a long time. Part of it has been Gymglish for...
The Frantastique lessons have become my weekly routine (3 to 4 units/week)...
Today is my first day with Gymglish. This morning I completed my 980-day streak with Duolingo...
Spanish is the only language that I speak frequently without a formal basis of...
I love exercising my English with Gymglish. The method is fun, intelligent, playful...
Having had contacts to France and the French during most of my professional career...
I first started Wunderbla just to test it, being a language teacher myself. I did the first demo...