Nos utilisateurs Frantastique témoignent

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Plus de 7 000 000 d'apprenant.e.s autour du monde.

Fiona K. (St Andrews)

I love the stories and the characters used in the Frantastique method. The grammar...

Henrique P. (Coimbra)

I took the free 1-month trial and was convinced to subscribe to the Frantastique...

Patricia J. (Melbourne)

My daily French lesson with Frantastique has given me a daily focus. I am an old woman...

Adriana G. (Bucaramanga)

I want to share my story, I am Venezuelan by birth and I am currently live in Colombia, I love...

Diego D. (Tolosa)

Frantastique has been a great experience for me. I don't have much time, but thanks...

Susan M. (Novi)

Frantastique is an engaging, fun, efficient way for me to learn more French!

Leda P. (Brasília)

I started my course with Frantastique about a year ago. What caught my attention for this course...

Laura C. (Buenos Aires)

I studied French in 2002/2004 and took the DELF A-1/A-4 tests. After 2004 I used French at work...

Denise R. (Dresden)

Frantastique is just terrific for someone like me who picks up romance languages...

Kristian E. (Anchorage)

It is said that laughter is the best medicine. So after 169 Frantastique lessons, I have...

Hana J. (TOZEUR)

I'm really enjoying learning French via Frantastique. I want to develop my skills in written...

mieke p. (brussels)

First and foremost: Frantastique is fun and doesn't take too much time and that makes...

Marco C. (Guatemala)

My daughters, the two that I have, always studied within the French system: the school...

Udani J. (Kandy)

I am a student learning French as a subject. I think that learning a language can be done easily...

Andrew G. (Seattle)

Learning French while working full-time has been a struggle. I meet once a month with...

Jah M. (Paraty)

By the time my first French guests left my place when visiting Paraty - Brazil...

April T. (Rennes)

I arrived in France to finish my master's degree, I did not speak the language at all...

Päivi K. (Hyvinkää)

Dear Frantastique Team, I was so delighted to find your program. I am an elderly lady...

Susan N. (Melbourne)

I started taking the Frantastique course during lockdown. I look forward to Victor's story...

Christine L. (São Paulo)

I enjoy completing my French lessons because they help me learn new vocabulary and make progress...