Nos utilisateurs Frantastique témoignent

Voici les témoignages de nos utilisateurs du monde entier.

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Plus de 7 000 000 d'utilisateurs.

Angela S. (Curitiba)

I've been studying French for 3 years and I've been taking Frantastique classes for a year...

Jason L. (Shenzhen)

I am a heavy procrastinator, Frantastique has become my must-do every midnight...

Marina K. (Zagreb)

Thank you very much, I am really enjoying learning the French language this way. I love French...

Ines D. (Wietze)

The Frantastique lessons have become my weekly routine (3 to 4 units/week)...

Hans K. (Otterfing)

Having had contacts to France and the French during most of my professional career...

CARLOS ARTHUR O. (Rio de Janeiro)

The French course is very interesting, varied and efficient. It's also super flexible...

Michael W. (Dübendorf, Zürich)

I look forward to the Frantastique lessons every day between Monday and Friday...

Alex L. (Paris)

I moved to Paris in 2017 and have struggled to find the discipline to work on improving...

Diederik H. (Leuven)

I am currently studying French and German at the University of Leuven. After last year's...

Mrs. G. (Newport, RI)

My story is quite simple. I have loved France from a very early age. I studied there...

Cida S. (Berlin)

I studied French in São Paulo, Brazil. I like the melody of that language. I have visited Paris...

Jennifer J. (New York)

I have really enjoyed the spicy mode! I begin my day with Frantastique: it is such...

Marie F. (Malvern)

I am British but my great-grandfather was French, and his family lived in Nantes...

Lee Ann S. (Paris today)

I travel weekly all over the world so keeping up or taking a class in one place is impossible...

Jayne M. (Alfreton)

I first started re-learning French 6 years ago when I met my French partner. I say...


Hello, Here in Brooklyn, NY, we love homemade wine with our pizza, strong espresso with...

Lynn S. (Monterrey)

I learned French at school, but as an adult I let the language slide for many years. When I found...

Montserrat S. (PALAMOS)

Thanks to the stories of Victor Hugo I am learning French. Whether it be directions...

Agnes H. (Scherz)

Since I have no job, no dog and no canary and my memory is getting more shaky, I decided to...

Elena S. (Haifa)

My story is too simple. I love French, France, songs, food, Paris. I take a small step towards...