Voici le témoignage de Clarice F.

Hello, I live in Brazil and although I'm Brazilian, I must admit that I love studying the French language and its particularities. As a result, I really enjoy taking the “FRANTASTIQUE” course. I'd say it's a really dynamic, modern and unmissable course! I was eight years old when I first heard the sound of this enchanting language... I was in ballet class and this event overwhelmed me. But it took me a long time to learn French. I was a very poor child and so in my life, first of all, I had to make professional achievements. I started studying French late. Today, every day, in the morning or in the evening, I make an appointment with the French language, either through the “FRANTASTIQUE” course, or through my reading. I love French literature! I've just read GERMINAL by Zola UAU!!!! I also take a conversation class once a week, I find it very important to chat and always be in touch with the French language. I confess that I would like to master it...one day.Yet, in my life, I give a lot of emphasis to the road ahead... I like challenges !!!!
— Clarice F. (Franca - Estado de São Paulo, BRAZIL)