Traduction et définition

to use: utiliser verb
the use: l'usage, l'utilisation noun
What's the use of this thing? A quoi sert cette chose?

UK: Don't use the computer to write letters. You should use a pen!
US: What's the use of a pen? Pens are useless in the modern world!


  • "Passengers are therefore advised to use the Piccadilly and Bakerloo line."
  • "Brian : So we were trapped in the hut, but we solved your riddle, and then we used your tunnel to..."
  • "Bruno : Betty had taken me to a restaurant where dishes were served in total darkness, where diners abandoned their vision and used only their other senses to experience the food they were eating."
  • "Weapon used: LARGE TEETH"
  • "You use the employee chatroom?"
  • "Lawyer : Uh, Mr. Capone, for legal purposes, I'd like you to refrain from using the term "gangster" to describe yourself."
  • "I will meet you Thursday evening at the factory, at 6.00 PM. Don't worry about bothering the employees, they are used to working irregular hours and shifts."
  • "Princess Utopia : If you would like to stay with us, we are prepared to teach you the secrets of sensuality using only your bodies and an open mind."
  • "Delavigne Corp, already considered a maverick in the cosmetics industry for its staunch refusal to use animals in the testing of its products, hopes to promote ecological awareness among customers as well as take advantage of a new wave of environmental consciousness brought to national attention by the recent bestseller "Global Warming: It's all your fault"."
  • "Young Icarus : Buh, I'm so sorry Mr. Romanonovitch, but it's just that the non-negative variables you suggested for use of X and X squared were a bit more difficult to manipulate than I expected!"

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