Traduction et définition

to get along, on (with someone): s'entendre (avec quelqu'un) verb
At first, Polly and Luna didn't get along very well. Au début, Polly ne s'entendait pas très bien avec Luna.

Notons que ce verbe est irrégulier :
I get along, on / I got along / I have gotten or got along


  • "He's actually from a side of the family I don't get along with."
  • "Listen, I'm actually not getting along with my friend so I'll be staying in a hotel for the next few days."
  • "I'm also very easy to get along with."
  • "I know you two get along, so maybe you could find out what's going on, and then report back to me."
  • "The way he gets on with his staff impresses me incredibly."

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