Traduction et définition
to sell: vendre, se vendre
To sell est transitif et intransitif.
I am trying to sell my car. J'essaie de vendre ma voiture.
This product sold well last month. Ce produit s'est bien vendu le mois dernier.
Notons que ce verbe est irrégulier :
I sell / I sold / I have sold
to sell (someone) on (an idea, a concept): convaincre (qq'un) de la validité (d'une idée, d'un concept)
That guru is very good. He sold me on the idea of giving him all my money to build a spaceship made of gold. Ce guru est très fort. Il m'a convaincu que c'était une bonne idée de lui donner tout mon argent pour qu'il construise une soucoupe volante en or.
- "Sell sell sell!"
- "Made and Sold in China?"
- "I'm a lean, mean, turbo-charged selling machine!"
- "Stores will stop selling assault rifles and handguns to minors."
- "Harold : THX-1134 has just sold this Eskimo 300 tons of snow."
- "Brian : The Brian Jones Corporation sells a very special product that I think you'll be very interested in."
- "I can sell you one, if you desire."
- "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
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