Traduction et définition

a pound: une livre (0,4535924 kg) noun
(it costs 20) pounds: (cela coûte 20) livres (sterling) noun
to pound: marteler verb

UK: This skirt only cost two pounds.
US: I was pounded on the head by a three-hundred-pound boxer.


  • "Brian : A quid is a pound sir."
  • "The market has been driven by an exchange rate that has risen above two dollars to the British pound for the first time since the early 1980s."
  • "Imagine having hundreds of millions of pounds to gamble every day."
  • "My darling wife, Sophie, gave birth to the seven-pound two-ounce cutie at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon."
  • "Brian : About four pounds."
  • "Bruno : Four pounds."
  • "In the last five years, the pound has risen 34 per cent against the dollar, including 10 per cent in the past 12 months."
  • "All I have are pounds."
  • "250 pounds is about 114 kilograms, Jean."
  • "Shoshana, who weighs 350 pounds (160 kilograms) and has a history of violence, will be put to sleep early next week."

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