Traduction et définition

potential: potentiel, prometteur adjectivenoun
potentially: potentiellement adverb
to have potential: être prometteur, avoir du potentiel verb
This idea has potential. Cette idée est prometteuse.


  • "The most contagious (and potentially fatal) strain of the virus, called H5N1, has the potential to decimate the global bird population."
  • "I have narrowed down Edward's DNA signature to four potential fathers."
  • "The one with my four potential mothers?"
  • "The photographs, taken by current Delavigne special assistant Brian Jones, are not only titillating an audience of people with nothing better to do, but also have the potential to reflect poorly on the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "The most contagious (and potentially fatal) strain of the virus, called H5N1, has the potential to decimate the global bird population."
  • "I have included the potential daddies below."
  • "We also offer 2 months of paternity leave, which may be of interest if you have your eye on a potential father from the staff!"
  • "I've rounded up all the potential murder suspects there for interrogation!"
  • "Subject: Potential investor to visit offices next Tuesday"

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