Traduction et définition

(the library is) just past (the cathedral): (la bibliothèque se trouve) juste après (la cathédrale) preposition
(I never think about) the past: (je ne pense jamais) au passé noun
(to learn from one's) past (mistakes): (apprendre de ses erreurs) passées, antérieures adjective


  • "You're staying in the guesthouse, so if you just follow the signs past the stables, then take a left after the gazebo, you'll see the sauna."
  • "We think this scent will make them forget about their past relationships, and inspire them to wear TigerLily, while they hunt for new relationships."
  • "We package this perfume as part of a collection of our best-selling fragrances from the past few years (possibly "Moulin Magic" and "Patchouli Junction") and form a "best-of" Delavigne perfume collection."
  • "You ignore the ad, but as you're walking past, you get hit in the face by a big blast of TigerLily fragrance."
  • "In order to understand this complex man who has devoted his life to communicating with the dolphins, we must first examine his past."
  • "It is written in an ancient prophecy that one day, when the Earth is in trouble, an "Ice Accountant" will travel from the past to the future to save the Earth!"
  • "Bruno : Make a right on Franklin Avenue, past Stockton Street and then take a left on Kearney."
  • "It was past 11:00 o'clock and I was exhausted."
  • "You just go down that corridor, past the water cooler, and the toilets are on your left."

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