Traduction et définition

to pack one's bags: faire ses valises verb
My sister is packing her bags tonight. Ma sœur fait ses valises ce soir.
to pack one's things: ranger ses affaires verb


  • "Bruno took the little money he had earned, packed his bags, and with his loyal dog Stink, set off to explore the world."
  • "Just as I was packing up my things, Horatio stumbled into my office wearing nothing but a loincloth."
  • "Brian, pack your bags."
  • "Pack your things and leave at once."
  • "I'll just go home and pack my bags quickly."
  • "Bruno took the little money he had earned, packed his bags, and with his loyal dog Stink, left Paris to explore the world."
  • "Bruno took the little money he had, packed his bags, and with his loyal dog Stink, left Paris to explore the world."

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