Traduction et définition

to make money, to make millions (of dollars): gagner de l'argent, gagner des millions (de dollars) idiom
I made my father millions of dollars!: J'ai gagné des millions de dollars pour mon père ! idiom


  • "It gives me the confidence to take more risks, and when I take more risks I make more money for this company."
  • "But how's this going to make you money?"
  • "The British twins decided to get the group back together last month in a transparent attempt to make more money."
  • "We make money by selling perfumes, not by buying perfumes for our customers!"
  • "Will you be making any money from this initiative?"
  • "America is known for its entrepreneurial spirit, and there's no shortage of people wanting to make big money fast, but if you're smart, you'll make your money the old-fashioned way, with hard work and dedication."
  • "Beautiful hotels, kung fu fighting, and a beautiful sales deal that should make the company millions!"
  • "America is known for its entrepreneurial spirit, and there's no shortage of people wanting to make big money fast, but if you're smart, you'll make your money the old-fashioned way, with hard work and dedication."
  • "And according to an article I read in the Sunday Roast, Luigi's Pizza is going to make a ton of money."

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