Traduction et définition

loyal: fidèle, loyal adjective
Stink is a very loyal dog. Stink est un chien très fidèle.

UK: Bobby was a very loyal dog.
US: Our most loyal customers receive special offers.


  • "Have you murdered, imprisoned or tortured loyal subjects by mistake or on a whim?"
  • "Philip : Thank you loyal subjects, I hope you enjoyed your new national anthem. Don't worry, you'll going to hear it again, every morning, every afternoon, and twice every night."
  • "While we are undoubtedly a planet of dog lovers, the reasons for canine popularity vary from country to country: the British like dogs because they are loyal;"
  • "But British Bob, he's always been loyal."
  • "He, she or it shall provide me with loyal companionship, unconditional love, and occasionally snuggle with me when I am feeling blue."
  • "British Bob has been loyal to the family."
  • "Today we mourn a man who never had a chance to confess the love he clearly felt for me, his loyal, charismatic special assistant."
  • "Southside Johnny is loyal to the family, but I got to look out for British Bob, because he's got his eyes on becoming the new Don."
  • "Your loyal special assistant"

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